Challenges and Prospects of Urban Renewal Projects in Addis Ababa: The Case of Besha Wolde Chilot, Arada Sub-City

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Addis Ababa University


Addis Ababa is characterized by poor infrastructure. slums and shortage of houses all in conjunction with a rapidly expanding city population. To tacklc all these deep rooted problcms, the ci ty government has made somc real measures like urban rencwa l projccts which is thc core of my thesis. This study tried to assess the challenges and prospects of urban rcnewal projects through the analysis of case studies at Basha Wolde Chilo! in Arada sub-c ity of Addis Ababa. In most cases the WBC inner- city has better in frastructural serv ices than in other parts of the Addis Ababa city. As the physical structure and intj'astructural services have become deficient, however, the need for renovation is a matter of must.The data arc collected through both qualitative and quant itative techniques. The investi gation is carricd out from the perspective in which inner- city renewal is viewed as a ehallcnge everywhcre. It a lso iden ti fi ed the possible benefi ts of renewal program for the urban low income groups, for unemployment problems and the city at large. Based on the case studies analytical generalizations are made The finding ai' the study has shown the problems of the implementation, linancial shortages, and general problems: such as economic, infrastructure and social group as a challenge for the project. The find ing also indicated that the compensation given to the displaced communities (the pri vate house ho lders) as unsatisfactory. Shortage of infj'astructures in the arcas whcre the local communities were relocated and they are exposed in additional tran sportation costs. In addition, the Social alienation among the relocated communities does exist. Equally important the thesis findings of the project show that there are some improvement s. The impro vements which I hope (as author of thc thesis) wi ll contribute in mana gi l~g urban land efficiently and effectively to change the image of the relocated communities (the ta rgeted population and the surround ings) in particular and city of Addis Ababa in general.



Prospects of Urban Renewal Projects
