A Study On The Relationship Between Performance Levels Of Organizational Value Adding Activities And Profitability Of Selected Leather Products Manufacturers In Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This research was conducted to study the relationship between performance levels of organizational value adding activities and profitability of selected leather products manufacturers in Addis Ababa based on the value chain model developed by Porter (1985). 35 different organizations were included in the study. Primary data from each of the organizations was collected through questionnaires. Secondary document analysis was also conducted by accessing financial and accounting records. Theoretical framework review and previous researches and studies in light of the current industry situation were used as an input for analysis and discussion of results. The data collected was descriptively analyzed through tabular summarization of the collected survey results, along with discussions. Correlation analysis was conducted to see how significant the associations of the value adding activities performance levels of the organizations are with their profitability. Furthermore, inferential statistics and hypothesis testing was undertaken in the form of median tests and ANOVA to test the assumption that difference in performance level in the organizational value adding activities determines the variability in profit margins of the organizations. Significant results were obtained from both the parametric and non parametric statistical tests. Correlation analysis results showed that the dependent and independent variables have positive and significant correlation. Also significant results from Analysis of variance taking operating profit margin of organizations as the response variable and performance levels of value adding activities as factors proved that organizational profitability is determined and depends on all primary and support value adding activities performance levels.



Relationship Between Performance
