Metal Semiconductor Schottky Barrier
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Addis Ababa University
In this f,hesis theoretical ano mq)u'imlJlltaI illvestl9iltion of metalsemiconductol'
juncitol1 cow;Is'Ung of Aluminium dep()3ited on monocyrstalline
silicon are discdbed.
The films of Alluminium howe bacm depositeci on P-type silicon, in the
'<100> and <111> ot'lentation and resistivities of 7-13 and 100 ohm-cm, by vacuum
depositon. The silicon wafters have been h'eated chemically. The experlemtnal
procedures followed in the work are; the I-V vharacterlstics. forward blase
and C-V characteristics for different frequencies of superimposed signal 10kHz,
20 kHz, 40 kZ, 100 kZ and 100 kHz. Measurement have been made using
hp Model 4275A multi frequency meter and 4041 B pA meter IDc voltage source
for C-V and I-V characteristics respectively. Low frequency C-V measurement
(Quasistatic capacitance-voltage) have been tried using hp 4041 B pA meter"
but inconsistency of the result (maybn lack of appropriate test fixture)
We have developed all the softwat"e programmes used for the present work.
the barrl<lr height obtained by various techniques were as follows. the
hole barrier was obtain(ld as Bh '" 0.57 eV for chemically cleaned and oxdize
for H hr. from I-V characteristics and Bh = O.53eV from C-V characterstics.
The activl'! doping ocncentratlon obtained form I/CLV slope shows to decrease
as frequency increases. AI!iO th2 b;:rd;:;:" !1~ight obtained from this measurement
shows frequency dependence. The range of the barrier height obtained Is
(0.49 eV - 0.65 eV).
The above result sugges.t that we can make 'good diodes from vacuum
deposition of aluminium on P-type silicon and possible application to hybrid
Metal Semiconductor