Socio Demographic Correlates of Substance Use and Sexual Behavior of Urban Youth of Northern Ethiopia: A Particular Study of Mekele City Dr. Eshetu
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Addis Ababa University
BaCkgrOU!d: Substance use, more importantly abuse, is one of the many riskfactors that
endanger tl; life of yquth. It is perpetuated by inadequate social support, lower socioeconi)
mic sit , ation,: poor or weak family background, negative peer pressure and lack of
alternative amenities. Khat, alcohol and combined use of both substances are widely practiced
by youth and'young adults in Ethiopia. Literatures indicate that substance use increases the
vulnerability : of users to unprotected sexual behavior leading them to become victims of
HIVIAIDS STI, unwanted pregnancy and many other consequences.
Obje~tive: r.~meas\lre tre magnitude, identifY the socio demographic correlates of substances
use (Khat an Alcohol)' and examine their relation to sexual behavior of Adolescents, youth
and )ioung a ,ults (15-29) in Mekelle town.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was conductedfrom 1110212009 to 171021200A
among 535 PWticipants (15-29 of age) together with FGD and in-depth interviews in Mekele,
the capital city of the Tigray Regional State of FDR of Ethiopia. The data was coded; entered,
and analyzedi
' using:SPSS version 15.Focus group discussion, In-depth interview and transect
wa!kresu!ts ril a!.~o summarized, categorized and incorporated thematically into the thesis
repo~t. ':
, I I
Result: The study r:evealed that 17.6 %, 42.3% and 13% of the participants do have Khat
chewing, alcohol drinking and smoking behaviors respectively, though at different level of
intakes. Male; 15-19, unemployed and unmarried are the largest share of the users in all kinds
of substances studied here. Using of alcohol and khat has strong association with risky sexual
behavior (~4 0.05). Multiple use of substance i.e. persons who use both khat and alcohol
consecutivel~ have very 'strong association with risky sexual behavior (P< 005). Peer pressure,
religiosity arlp open dis,cussion with family members contributes to shape the substance use
behavior of the participants.
ConJlusion: ~he study finding shows that the most important factors for being exposed to khat
and alcohol ~se are weak parent-child discussion, peer pressuring for substance use, low
religiOUS commitments and being unmarried. The study also revealed that being exposed to
khat andalcghol u~e an,d more importantly combined use of both substances in turn leads to
risky sexual Behavior. Even though ,the consequences o/risky sexual behavior is not the scope
of th,e study] different literatures have affirmed it leads to different reproductive health
diseases and)or problems such as HIVIAIDS, STD, Abortion and unintended pregnancy. Not
with ~tandin~ to the need for further research on the link between khat and alchol use with
reprdductive (lealth' problems; the result indicates Youth-specific interventions to reduce the
likelihood of~xposure of adolescent, youth and young adults to khat and alcohol in order to , I
prev~nt them from Reproductive health problem, among others.
Use and Sexual Behavior of Urban Youth of Northern Ethiopia