Teachers' Awareness, Attitude and Practices of Education For Diversity: The Case of Wereha Yekatit Primary School

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose oflhis slud)' \I'as 10 invesligale leachers' awareness, al/iludes Gnd praclices 10 wards educalionfor dil'ersily; for Ihis dala was collecledfi'oll1 Wereha Yekalil governmenl primC/ly school from Ihe principal, leachers and sludenls Ihrough in-deplh il1lel1Jiews, focl/s group disclIssion and observations. DOCllmental)' sources which were com;;dered relevant were also analyzed. Parlicipanls jor Ihe plllpose of inlervie\\' were .I·e!ecled based on Iheir \I'illingness. coaperalioll. academic pel./ormance. responsibilily, and qualiJicalion Parlicipanls i.e. Ihe school's principal and Iwelve leachers were inlerviewed. focus group discussion were condUCled wilh jive sludenl parlicipanls. The jindings disclosed Ihal leacher's awareness 10\l'ards educalion jor diversily was encouraging The sludy revealed Ihal leachers have good underslanding of sludenl 's diversily in lerms of cullUre, gender. economic sIal us. language and exceplionalily bill, have reservalionloll'ards expressing aboul religion (/nd ethnici!y. The reasons for this reservaliol1 were, accepting of religion and elhnicily issue as having Ihe pOlel1lial 10 fragmenl Ihe social cohesion and secularilY 0/ schools. The relalionship belween leachers and sludenls lverefollnd 10 be good Fllrlhel'lnore leachers have desirable al/ilude 100vards educalion for diversily from muilicullllral perspeclive. Inspile of Ihis, leachers praclice 10 presel1llhe lessons from Ihe poinlS of view 0/ diverse groups, Ihe lechniques of leaching, Iheir use of leaching aids, Irealing abililY groups, aggregaling records based on diversily and ejJorls 10 creale posilive relalionship among sludenls of diverse cullure from muilicuilllrai perspeclive were nol as adequale as il should be. Possible solulions usefid 10 change Ihe effecls of Ihe observed SIC/Ie a/affairs have been proposed.



Education For Diversity
