Project Wdting in Business Courses, Students' Writing Needs and Faculty Beliefs about Writing: the Case of St. Mary's College
dc.contributor.advisor | Lemu, Dr. Geremew | | | Lemma, Habtarnu | | | 2020-12-21T08:26:46Z | | | 2023-12-05T13:48:16Z | | | 2020-12-21T08:26:46Z | | | 2023-12-05T13:48:16Z | | | 2005-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | In college and uni1'ersity level educalion writing assignmenls are cOll1monly used as means 10 slrenglhen ",hal has been laughl Iheorelically and fosler independenl learning Though Ihe primOl)' concern of major course wriling assignments (01 her Ihan English language assignmenl.s) is nol improving Ihe slUdenls' wriling abilily, Ihe process sludenls undergo Ihrough 10 complele Ihe assignmenls help Ihem improve Iheir HTiling abilities. Research in Ihe last two decades focused on the analysis of wriling assignments which are believed 10 help sludel1ls develop mulliple skills and knowledge. This research also focused on this important issue 1vhich the nel!' Educalion and Training Policy of Dhiopia has given emphasis. The research tried 10 see Ihe language and research skills demand Ihe 1ITiling assignll1el1ls may have on business faculty sludents of Ihe TVET program al SI. /11101)"s College. The allitude of Ihe business facull), regarding 11'riling ability 10 complele projecl assignmenls is also invesligaled and analyzed Quesr;onrloi,-es both 1m' Icachels ond sludenls. inlerviell ' /or leachen (lI'Id docwnem analysis o(lhe rVET curricululI1 and assignl11cnl handouts were used 10 oblain dala 11 ",asjound out Ihal lack of wriling and research skills posed difficuily on sludel1ls 10 complere Iheir lI 'riling ((ssignll1ei1ls, and Ihey 1!'ould like Iheir EnglIsh courses 10 ae'luaim Ihell1 11'ilh Ihesc skills which Ihey feel lack 1110.1'1 Inslruelors were alsojound 10 consider 1ITiling abililJ' as being imporlanl in giving feed back and grading Ihe assignmenls allhough Iheir erforllacked consislency even wilhin Ihe same departmems Based onlhefindings suggeslionsfor improvemem are fO{'1l'([rded | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa Universiy | en_US |
dc.subject | Writing Needs and Faculty Beliefs about Writing | en_US |
dc.title | Project Wdting in Business Courses, Students' Writing Needs and Faculty Beliefs about Writing: the Case of St. Mary's College | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |