Reservoir Host Studies of Visceral Lelshi•1aniasis in Aba Roba, Souti!-West Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


From liarch1988 to Arril 1989 investigation of deciles, animal reserve’s of visceral leishManiasis were carried out in the Aha Roha p2asant association, one of the knolln end'~mic foci of visceral h~isl1mar.iasis in Soutlwest Ethiopia (i!'wthern Gmo Administt'dtivp. Rellion). In Vlis study a total of 280 individuals of rliff?rent species of rod,?nts, small and, lar02 carnivores and fel'l domestic animals i'/ere examined. Tissups from the various organs viz., spleen, bone-marrow, liver, skin and a fe\1 tiro'Js of car'iiac blood \'Iere cultured in NNi'l mediur.J overlayed ,lith Locke's solution for the isolation Leishmania. Tissue smears from the aGcve organs wcr" oreparcd from all the animals and checked for the amastigotes of L. donovani. ,qtter.Jpts ,!ere also made to isolate leishmania parasiti!S indirectly, hy the intraocrit.onea.l inoculation of spl,?cn suspension into SUsclJtihle laboratory rodents (hamsters, Salb/c mice and nite mice). To see the possible ~otential reservoir hosts, selectEd species of rodents (born an:! reared in the animal house) were inoculated 'lith L. donovan I promastigotes isolated fro a naticnt in Aba Roba. A Leishmania S0. \'las isolated from the spleen culture of a pround squirrel (Xerus rutilus) and b'/O flaJellates which were considered to be tryranosomes a 1 so reCOVf~r00 from the ) 1 ooel cu ltures of trIo other ground squirrels. The results for the rest of the animals were n



