Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting among Pharmacy Personnel Working at Community Pharmacy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting among Pharmacy Personnel Working at Community Pharmacy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Alaynesh Goshime Addis Ababa University, 2015 Modern medicines have changed the way in which diseases are managed and controlled. However, despite all their benefits, evidence continues to mount that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are common cause of illness, disability and even death. Knowledge, attitude and practices of health professionals towards ADR reporting are known to have crucial contribution in the detection and reporting of the reactions. A cross sectional study was conducted on a sample of 379 pharmacy personnel working at randomly selected community pharmacies of Addis Ababa to assess their knowledge, attitude and practice towards ADR reporting. Data was collected using self administered questionnaire. Majority of the respondents were male (57.5%) and in the age group 26-30 (55.1%). Over half (70.7%) of the respondents had poor knowledge. One hundred seventy three (45.6%) participants encountered ADRs in the past 12 months but none of them reported to the relevant authority. The majority of respondents (82.8%) had a positive attitude towards ADRs reporting. The study revealed that majority of pharmacy personnel at community pharmacy in Addis Ababa had poor knowledge, positive attitudes and very limited practices towards ADR reporting. The Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority should create awareness iv on the existence of ADR monitoring system and the purpose and importance of ADR reporting and should also conduct continuous trainings and seminars about ADR reporting with community pharmacies dispensers and finally ADR reporting forms should be made available at community pharmacies. Keywords: Pharmacovigilance , ADR reporting, Community Pharmacy Personnel, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice



Pharmacovigilance; ADR reporting; Community Pharmacy Personnel; Knowledge'Attitude, Practice

