The Influence of Ethiopian Music Videos Released In 2020-21 G.C on the Behavior of Addis Ababa University Students

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Addis ababa university


This study with its title “The Influence Of Ethiopian Music Videos Released In 2020-21 G.C On The Behavior Of Addis Ababa University Students” has the main intention to investigate the various effects and impacts of recent Ethiopian music videos on Students of Addis Ababa University in various aspects. It sought to explore recent Ethiopian music videos in terms of their possible contribution, significance, and limitations on cultural representation, identity formation and shaping behavior, gender representation, and most importantly their effect on students’ academic performance among other things. The study focuses on four campuses of Addis Ababa University: Sidist Kilo, Arat Kilo, College of Business and Economics, and the Yared School of Music, out of the university's several campuses. A Qualitative research method with a descriptive approach was used for the study as it helps to show the issue in a detailed description to give a good understanding for the readers. Purposive and snowball techniques were also used to select the participants, Whereas semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis were among the main ingredients used for data gathering of the study. The study found that most current Ethiopian music videos do not accurately depict and promote Ethiopia's culture and reality, even though others were found to be good. Prejudice based on gender and unequal representation in music videos were also noted as concerns. Furthermore, while some of the performance and conceptual music videos help some of the students to perform better in their field of study, the rest were found to be a barrier for the students to lose concentration and attention on their study.



The Influence of Ethiopian Music Videos Released In 2020-21 G.C on the Behavior of Addis Ababa University Students

