Assessment of knowledge and practice on blood transfusion and its associated factors among nurses working at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2019
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Addis Abeba University
Blood transfusion is an important part of day‐to‐day clinical practice. Blood and blood products
provide unique and life‐saving therapeutic benefits to patients. The major concern from the point
of view of both user (recipient) and prescriber (clinician) is for safe, effective and quality blood to
be available when require. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and practice of the nurses
on blood transfusion and to identify the factors associated with such knowledge and practice.
Objective: To assess knowledge and practice on blood transfusion and its associated factors
among nurses working at TASH, 2019.
Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. Accordingly, study was conducted on a
total of 234 nurses. An interview administered pretested structured questionnaire was used to
collect information on sociodemographic data, knowledge and practice on blood transfusion and
associated factors. Data was collected by 3 BSc. nurses and 1 MSc. supervisors who have an
experience of data collection and was supervised by the investigator. SPSS version 21 software
was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to describe both dependent and
independent variables. Binary logistic regression was used to determine association between
dependent and independent variables. Confidence interval 95% and p<0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
Result: On the score of knowledge 57.3% of participants had unsatisfied level of knowledge, and 77.8%
of participants had incompetent level of practice on blood transfusion. Factors associated with knowledge
included nurses those have not received training (AOR=1.902, 95% CI 1.024, 3.531, P=0.035). And factors
associated with practice included, working experience of 1-5 years (AOR)=2.236,95%CI,1.489, 4.230,
P=0.011, working experience of 6-10 years (AOR=7.545, 95% CI, 1.659, 9.316, P=0.009), number of blood
transfusion 1-3 times per week (AOR= 5.404, 95% CI, 1.417, 7.570, P= 0.006) and knowledge score
(AOR=5.185, 95%CI, 1.090, 7.380, p=0.000) were significantly associated.
Conclusion and recommendation: The overall result shows there was unsatisfactory level of
knowledge and incompetent level of practice of nurses on blood transfusion. It is importance to
increase the opportunities to acquire skills such as training courses and continuing and permanent
education for nursing professionals is reinforced, focusing on patient safety and quality of care.
knowledge, practice, associated factors, blood transfusions, nurses