Farmers' Response to Agricul Tural Extension Package in RaY Aazebo Woreda of TigrayRegion

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose oj this study research was to assess the attitudes and response oj Jarmers to agricultural extension package in Rayaazebo woreda, Agricultural extension package intervention is an arena oj struggle in which adopt or reject to the technology inputs such as improved seeds ,chemical Jertilizer , credit, treadle pumps etc become the a Jocus oj the dynamic interactions among different social actors. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed to collect data. In other words, data is collectedJrom key iriformants' interview, Jocus groups discussion and household survey. This study conducted a survey oj 161 sample rural households selectedJrom three tabias. Most oj Jarmers in the study area do not have positive attitude to development agents in the study areas. About 67 % oj Jarmers do not satisJy Jrom the service given by the development agents. About 56 % of the respondents reported tha t the transfer of technology to the community's did not base on the society knowledge and interest. Improved technology packages h ave not been adequately tested locally before they are promoted on large scale. In this study, even Jarmers have awareness on the importance oj Jertilizer, majority Jarmers do not apply in their Jarm lands. Results show that 86.3 % oj the respondents do no use chemical Jertilizer Jor the last two years. The main reasons which aifectJor the non-adoption oj Jertilizer in the study areas are: high price oj Jertilizer, lack oj cash and the presence oj shortage and unreliable rainJall in the area. Besides this, due to high price oj improved seeds, poor quality and no yields difference in the improved seeds contributed Jor the low adoption oj improved seeds in the study area. A result shows that about 62 percent of sampled household respondents are using local seeds while 29% of the respondents a re using improved seeds in Rayaazebo. The major source of inigation in the study area is nver diversion, ponds and well dugs. About 61 %of the respondents constructed water-harvesting ponds Jor the last three years. However, about 53 % oj the constructed ponds are either out oj Junction or do not hold water. The major responsible factors contnbuting to ineffectiveness of the pond to hold water are problem in site selection, design, leakage, siltition, shortage of construction matenals. Failure of ponds to hold water in the study area show that farmers do not participate voluntaIily in planning and implementation. They constructed the ponds either they are forced by government agents or to get aids and to participate in food for work (63.6%). Extension contact is an important instrument for dissemination of agncultural technologies. About 67.2 percent of farmers' contact with extension agents during extension meeting where as 21.8 percent gets extension service during social gathering. Fourteen percent of the respondents reported that they diverted thetr loans to other activities than the onginal stated purpose because the package credit loans do not keep thetr interest. It was revealed that Jarmers were not passive recipients oj the govemment intervention intended to improve their lives. Farmer's responses to different extension packages were mixed: adoption, rejection and transJormation. In study area, demonstration the practice oj agricultural extension remains based on the top-down approach. Typically, this approach is linear, rigid, and linked to introduce modem technology. This linked to the ideas oj achieving planning targets through coercive persuasion oJJarmers on improved seeds and water harvesting schemes.



Response to Agricul
