Electronic Properties of Junctions between Aluminum and Poly(3-(2,5-dioctylphenyl) Thiophene) (PDOPT) thin films.
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis is based on the study of the electrical properties of
the Sckottky barriers formed between aluminum and spin-coated films
of PDOPT in the form of AI/PDOPT/PEDOT-PSS/ITO and
AIIPDOPT/ITO sandwich structures, respectively. From the I-V
characteristic, the rectification ratio, diode quality factor and barrier
height have been obtained for both AIIPDOPT/PEDOT-PSS/ITO and for
AIIPDOPT/ITO structures.
The Cole-Cole plot of the complex impedance spectra for
AI/PDOPT/ITO exhibits part of a single bias voltage-dependant
semicircle, which is a characteristic of most metal semiconductor
junctions. The complex impedance spectra of AI/PDOPT/ PEDOTPSS/
ITO device showed two partially overlapping semicircles at reveres
bias voltages which revealed the existence of thin insulating interfacial
layer at metal/polymer junction
Electronic Properties of Junctions between Aluminum