Infant Feeding Experience of Hiv Positive Mothers Utilizing Pmtct Services: The Case of Tikur Anbassa Hospital

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Addis Ababa University


Mother to Child Transmission of HIV can occur during pregnancy, delivelY, and breastfeeding and it accounts for more than 90% of pediatric AIDS Various studies indicate that the rate of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV is high among infants who were on mixed feeding. UNICEF UNA IDS and WHO recommended that, all women have the right to choose exclusive breastfeeding or exclusive replacement feeding. However, numerous contextual factors can influence mothers in their choices and decisions related to what and how they feed their infants. An understanding of factors that influence women's adherence to the recommended infant feeding is critical in identifying ductile point's intervention. The study aims explore the experiences of infant feeding practices of HIV positive women who have used Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission service. Qualitative data was collected by the principal investigator using semi structured in-depth interview from 12 HIV Positive mothers who use PMTCT service at Tikur Anbassa hospital and was analyzed using principles of thematic content analysis. Most of the informants have opted for Exclusive breast-feeding due to economic reasons. Moreover, the long-standing community belief that aI/aches breast-feeding with motherhood also has an implication not to choose replacement feeding. Fear of disclosure and practicing exclusive infant feeding in an area where predominant breastfeeding is a norm are important challenge that affects mothers well being because of ostracization and stigma, which makes their lives difficult in the community. The velY basic essence of coping strategy is the mother 's ambition to have HIV free child. Most of the Study informants have appreciated the PMTCT services. The study has explored issues related to adherence to Exclusive infant Feeding practices. Hence, strengthening the counseling program, expanding PMTCT services, promoting exclusive breast-feeding by all mothers, continuous work on stigma and discrimination, linking the ANC and PNC with mother support group, are the major intervention areas that have been suggested in an effort to improve the effectiveness of P MTCT service. Key words: Exclusive Infant Feeding, AFASS, PMTCT



Exclusive Infant Feeding, AFASS, PMTCT

