Factors Affecting the Implementation of Essential Health Service Packages 2019 in Health Centers : The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration Lideta Sub-city
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This research assesses factors affecting the implementation of Essential Health Service Packages 2019 in health centers: the case of Addis Ababa city administration Llideta sub-city. The main purpose of the study was to assess the factors affecting EHSPs 2019 implementation performance in health centers of Lideta subcity. An integrated conceptual framework was developed based on a review of literatures. The primary data were collected from the total population of 8 health centers of Lideta subcity of Addis Ababa, using a survey questionnaire and the respondents were the CEO, Medical directors (Main & deputy) and department heads of Lideta sub-city eight health centers. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as a tool of the quantitative methods. The results revealed that three out of six independent variables were statistically had a very significant contribution for EHSPs 2019 implementation performance ordering as per the strength: implementer’s disposition (ID); clarity of goals and objectives (COGAO); management dynamics (Improvement of institutional capacity, leadership and management) and other independent variables health financing and payment mechanism, resources (equipment,and human resources, ), Stakeholders engagement and support (micro level support from local stakeholders (MLSLS)) and parthnership and coordination were found positive but not statistically significant. As a result, implementer’s disposition (ID); clarity of goals and objectives (COGAO); management dynamics (Improvement of institutional capacity, leadership and management) were the most determining factors in terms of influencing EHSPs 2019 implementation performance in health centers of Lideta subcity. The study also recommend (1) the policy makers should communicate the policy and other relevant documents for all stakeholder at all tiers of the health facilities from the very beginning of polcy process; (2) the government should strengthen the Health insurance system beside allocating adequate budget; (3) the government should motivate the health worker in training and performance based payment; (4) the governments should strengthen and integrate the system using technology and (5) participating the private wing in all policy process will have a significant contribution successful implementation.
Key Words: implementation, Essential Health Service Packages, health center.