Study on pedestrian crossing behavior at signalized intersection in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Pedestrians are vulnerable road users therefore, it is necessary to analyze their behavior in order to define quality measures. Crossing behavior of pedestrians in Addis Ababa City is rarely in compliance with the pedestrian regulation. To study the crossing behavior of pedestrians in Addis Ababa 4 intersections namely Estifanos, Legehar, Banko de roma and post office intersections are selected. The first three intersections were used for the major study and the last one for validation study. Data collection was done using video recording method for the study of pedestrian crossing behavior and 385 respondents were interviewed to get pedestrian perception on the crossing environment. 3783 pedestrian peak hour data is used for statistical analysis. Student t-test and one way ANOVA were used to identify factors affecting pedestrian crossing speed while Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis one way ANOVA test were used to identify determining factors of pedestrian signal and crosswalk compliance. Gender, age group and pedestrian group size were found as a dominant factors affecting pedestrian crossing speed whereas age group and pedestrian group size are found as significant factors affecting pedestrian signal and crosswalk compliance. Multiple linear regression model is developed to study the effect of significant factors on pedestrian crossing speed. Except crossing signal phase, all variables were found statistically significant to predict pedestrian crossing speed. Gender and pedestrian group size are correlated negatively with crossing speed while pedestrian age group is correlated positively. Binary logistic regression models are also developed to study the effect of significant factors on pedestrian signal and crosswalk compliance. Pedestrian age group and group size were found statistically significant to predict pedestrian probability of signal compliance and crosswalk compliance. The external validation study suggests that the regression models are applicable for signalized intersections in Addis Ababa. From the pedestrian attitude survey it is found that the most dominating reasons of pedestrians’ noncompliance with crossing locations are drivers’ improper usage of roads during red phase and inadequacy of width of cross walk. In addition, reasons for noncompliance with traffic light most likely related to the low level awareness of pedestrians and gap in enforcement and implementation of law.



pedestrian, crossing behavior, crossing speed, compliance, signalized intersection
