Physical Modelling of Dam Overtopping from Landslide Generated Waves
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Addis Ababa University
Landslide generated waves may have disastrous impact on the surrounding environment. The
catastrophic event such as Vajont disaster occurred in Italy, 1963 and caused the loss of more
than 2000 human lives, is among the reasons that landslide generated wave and consequences
is of great deal. This study is based on a physical model test in laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering at NTNU which simulates a landslide released, fall into reservoir, propagates and
overtops a dam. This thesis is a parametrical study on landslide generated impulse waves based
on experiments conducted in a laboratory on a 1: 190 scale model. The model has three major
parts: the slide, the reservoir and the dam. The slides are simulated with rigid blocks sliding
over the slide ramp, falling into reservoir, generating wave, runs up and overtops a dam. All
the parameters are measured with different sensors installed.
To investigate the parameters which define the wave generation and overtopping of a dam due
to slide generated waves, a systematic variation of parameters like slide volume, slide release
height, still water depth and upstream dam slope, were applied. Based on the results from this
study, the slide volume is found to be the most dominant parameter that defines the overtopping
volume due to impulse waves. In addition, freeboard is found to be another parameter that has
significant impact on overtopping volume. For a fixed setup, an increase in freeboard decreases
the overtopping volume. The other parameter investigated is the slide impact velocity, where
results show that the slide release height is the most dominant factor to define it. The most
important part of the study is that the overtopping volume and the overtopping depth is not
uniform along the five dam crest sections, where the maximum is recorded with the ultrasonic
sensors installed at the edges namely, CH11 and CH16. Finally, it is observed that it is difficult
to apply the results from the literature to this study due to the different model setup used in this
Impulse waves, Landslide, wave generation, wave propagation, overtopping, Impulse product parameter