Assessment of Health Care Waste Generation, Its Characterization and Management Practice in Health Centers of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Addis Abeba University


Background: The health care waste generation rate highly varies among health providers due to factors such as the number of patient flow, size of the facility, types of facility, and service. There is no effective health care waste management practice in most less developed countries including Ethiopia. There is lack of research which elaborated more detail the main cause of high proportion of hazardous wastes generation in comparission to general waste, and mean waste generation per patient flow in studied health facility. Objective: To assess health care waste generation rate, its characterization and management practice in health centers of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city, Addis Ababa. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted from June to July 2020. Ten health centers from Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city were selected purposely due to poor waste management, lack of adequate knowledge and commitment within the community and health provider. Data was collected by FMHACA Environmental health professionals using observational checklist and weight scale for period of 7 consecutive days from june 15- 21/2020. Training, pre-test, and instrument calibration were used to manage data quality. Collected data was organized and entered in Epi data version 7 and cleaning was done to avoid missing values, outliers, and other inconsistencies. Cleaned data then exported into SPSS version 20 for analysis and One way ANOVA test was done. Results: The daily mean(±SD) healthcare waste generation rate was 5.51±1.455kg/day, which was equivalent to 0.074±.016kg/pat/day. Out of the total waste generated (27.40%) was general and (72.60%) was hazardous waste. Most generation was from OPD, which was 72.3kg/week (18.76%).The proportion of sharps (32.02%), infectious (38.85%), pathological (8.18%), pharmaceutical (20.94%) and general waste (27.4%). Healthcare waste generation rate varies by number of patient flow with(p<0.001).Nine in10 health centers were practicing healthcare waste segregation at the point of generation with number of limitations. All health centers used locally built brick incinerator as a final disposal with some functionality. Conclusion:The mean waste generation rate per patient flow per health center was relatively higher than similar study of on-line publication.There was lack of appropriate waste segregation with different waste catagories at point of generation by most of health centers.



Healthcare waste, healthcare waste management, waste generation and hazardous waste.

