The Implementation of Science Curricula in Missionary Owned Secondary Schools of Ethiopia: The Case of Catholic Church in East Shoa, Oromia Regional State

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Addis Ababauniversity


This study was sought to under. tand how InlSSlOnQlY owned secondOlY schools implement the science curricula of grade 9 and 10 vis-a-vis the Education amI Training Policy of the country. The study was conducted on three Catholic Chlln.:h owned secondary schools in East Shoa Zone. To achieve the objectives of the study. all school principals (3 in numbers) and all science teachers (l4 in number~) were selected based on their avai/ability and 140 students were selected through simple random samp.';ng technique. In-depth interviews with principals, focus group discussions with science teacher'. observations and questionnaires for students and teachers were employed to collect data for this study. The data obtained were: analyzed using both qUQnfitalive and qualitative analysis methods. The study revealed that the surveyed schools were successful in crealing oj conducive teaching learning context'jor science curriculc:z in terms of supply (~t infrastructures, instructionalfacUities, and material resources (physically), creating good communica.tion channel among school communities and providing in·scr, .. ice training programs for teaching staff. That is, they attempted to inve t more f or successful implementation of science curricu!t,mz materials. In contrast to these facts, most of activiti?s observed in the schools were not congruence with the statements of curri~ulum materials. This is evident that principals and teachers performance with regard to the requirements of cZlrriculum materials were found minimal and students' attitude of learning science subjects was also not as expected. In general, it was found that the schools don't imp/em ill the science curricula as intended. Attempt has been made to identify factors that hinder the successful implementation of curriculum materials. Among the facrors identified: the complex nature of school management structure, shortage q( J'<: / ·.T dlZt instructional material resources in the schools for grade 9 and 10 selene;! , lIbi<.!dS. lack of commitlnent on 'he side of principals, students and teachers to utili:::' Ihe available school resources, absence of collaboration trend between missio/1 '(,hoofs und governmental bodies and absence of relevant in-service training programs for .. teachers were found the major challenges that hinder the effectivp curriculum implementation process in the surveyed schools



Missionary Owned Secondary Schools of Ethiopia:
