Potential Contribution of Wild Edible Plants To Urban Safety Net Beneficiary Households and Determinates of Collection and Consumption of the Plants in Addis Ababa.

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Addis Ababa University


Globally, wild edible plants (WEPs) have remarkable contribution to poverty alleviation as well as food security. However, its availability is rapidly declining because of decreasing traditional knowledge.Forest related knowledge contributed for metropolitan cities to fight hidden hunger.Nevertheless, households’ inadequate traditional knowledge and poor perception results underutilized and ignorance through urban dwellers. The objective of this thesis was to examine the factors affecting the households’ decision to participate as collector of WEPs.The study was conducted between December 2019 and May 2020. Data coolection tools such as focus group discussion, guided field walk, and semi-structured questionnaire were employed in ordert to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using constant comparison technique, descriptive statistics and probit model. In and aroung Gulele Botanic Garden, a total of 105 useful plants were identified and of whom 84 plants were edible while 21 plants were used for medicinal purpose. On the other hand, women were idenfied on average of 5 plant species while men were idenfied merely 1(one) plant species. Therefore, in this case, women respondnets had better traditional knowledge than men .In the total households, 51% of respondents were agreed that wild edible plants can be used as an alternative food sources during food shortage. Of whom, WEPs’ colectors were accounted as 96%. In a total of 145 households, 42 respondnets were collector of WEPs in the study area. Compared with men, Female households had 20 % probability to participate in collecting WEPs than men. For every addition of one family member, the probably of households to collect edible plants was increased by 17 %. The probability of food taboos affected the informants’ decision to collect WEPs by 15%. As recommendation, one important method of conserving such vital traditional knowledge in the new generation is through incorporating it to school curriculum or at least hosting the idea as an extracurricular school activity. It is important to design activities that would help in recovering the disappearing of traditional practices. Local associations, school clubs and societies of interested groups can contribute to that end;



Gulele, Safety net, Wild, Edible, Plants, Non- timber, forest, product
