Women in Informal Sectors and their Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Contraceptive Methods in Addis Ababa.
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Addis Ababa University
Women's informal sector employment cOllcentrated in areas that are well-matched with th eir
reproductive role, particularly child-rearing, and often extensions of their domestic responsibilities
within the household.
The survey has attempted to see the knowledge, attitude and practice of contraceptive methods alld
different demographic and socia economic factors that contribute to the low practice oj cOlllraceplioll
by women in informal sector.
T7Je survey has been conducted in Addis Ababa. in Addis Ketema and Arada Kifle Kelemas, which
have high concentration of informal sector. Using literature review as a setting to the problem,
questionnaires were administered 10 654 women and 16 women through FGDs.
In general, the data revealed that knowledge of contraception is high, 98% but still low when
compared to DHS 2000 Ethiopia, for all womell ill Addis Ababa, which was 99.2%for all methods
Overall contraception use ill the survey is 44.8 percent. Modern contraception is used more by the age
groups 20-24, 25-29 and 30-34, currelltly married women, women who have had a junior secondmy
(grade 7-8) level of educ~tion, and women who have relatively higher income. Modem contraceptive
methods are more widely known and practiced than traditional ones.
Although DHS 2000 Ethiopia reveals that Addis Ababa is below - replacemellt fertility level, it is still
be a paradox that this change occur without a significant socio- ecollomic development in a poor
COUlltry like Ethiopia. So here based Oil the outcome of the study, some suggestions have been
forwarded which might help govemmental and non-governmental organizations to observe and help
women in informal sectors to decide freely and correctly the number and spacing of their children and
to have the information and means to do so.
Women in Informal Sectors