The Impacts of Climate Change on Rural Livelihood and Their Adaptation Methods: the case of Alamata woreda, Southern Tigray

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Addis Ababa University


Climate change and variability is one of the greatest challenges facing the Ethiopian agrarians. Climate change has a drastic impact on agricultural output, with total crop failure and massive livestock deaths. Furthermore the capacity of the rural poor to cope with climate related shocks has declined due the increase frequency and intensity of droughts. This study looks on the impact of climate change on rural livelihood and their adaptation methods of Alamata woreda. The woreda or the study area is hotspot for the impact of climate change. Three tabias was selected by simple random sampling method and 131 persons were participated in the study. The general findings of the study shows that the climate of the woreda has show variability and in turn this climate change and variability has impact on the woredas livelihood sources like: crop production, cropping pattern, availability of long cycle crops, and availability of livestock feed and loss of livestock were the major ones. To minimize the impacts of climate change and variability the farmers of the woreda had adopted different coping strategies like; decrease on amount of meal, selling labor, food aid, selling livestock and other assets and eat less expensive foods. Beles feeding for livestock, migration, early maturing crop varieties, water and soil conservation, rehabilitation of gullies and area closure were long term adaptation practices applied by farmers and woreda office of agriculture. By considering the above facts the researcher recommends: there should collaboratively works of farmers and DA experts on rehabilitation of their environment. The woreda’s office of agricultural should encourage farmers to use drought resistant crop seeds with commercial fertilize, compost and soil moisture management practices. In addition there should be focus on planting fodder trees and beles around irrigation dykes and area closures



Geography and Environmental Studies
