Male Involvement In Family Planning In Ambo Town, Oro Mia Region

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Addis Ababauniversity


In recognition of men's influence on f amily life decision and actions and family planning needs, men are encouraged to involve in family planning programs to determine the most important socio-cultural, demographic and family planning factors that influence male involvement infamily planning. A cross sectional community based study was conducted in Ambo town, from February 28 to March 7, 2009 using Systematic sampling to select the study subjects .Moreover, Pre-tested questionnaire in Afan Oromo was used to collect information from respondents. Both primary and secondary source data were used in the study. This study tries to assess male involvement in family planning in the study area. To attain the intended objectives, a total of 422 currently married men agedl5-59 years were included in the study. Multivariate analysis was applied to examine the demographic, socio-economic and family planning factors influencing current contraceptive use of couples by using Logistic Regression model. The analysis was performed by using SPSS (version 15) software. More than three quarter (84.8%) of the respondents are from the oromo ethinic group, sixty four percent are 35 and above years old, 69.7% is Orthodox Christians, 61.6% of them have completed junior secondary and above education. Ninety eight percent are monogamous in marriage, 67.6% have three and above children and 61.1% do not want to have additional children. Ninety percent of the respondents have knowledge of at least one method of family planning methods, 66% of them reported that they approve their wives' contraceptive usage, and 43.6% have discussed about family planning with their wives. Nearly two third (65.3 %) of the respondents reported that either their wives or themselves are using contraceptive methods. About quarter (17.3%) of the ;espondents are using male methods of contraception and 30% reported as having an intention to use contraceptive in the future. Both bi-variate and multi variate analysis have shown that age, number of living children, desire for additional children, discussion with wife about family planning, husband approval of his wife contraceptive use and knowledge of family planning are predictors of family planning use of the respondents . The health facility assessment filrther revealed that, the existing health institutions did not fiiljil the education, counselling and method service provision regarding family planning especially to male clients in the study area. The facilities lack a staff with appropriate training on male concernedfamily planning service provision. The finding of the survey confirms that the contraceptive utilization of wives or husbands is affected by demographic, socio-.cultural and family planning characteristics of the respondents and institutional features. Therefore, in order to address the problem, it is recommended that additional to addressing women in the reproductive age group, all programs targeted to promoting family planning service have to focus on men so as to encourage them to use the available male methods of family planning and serve as agents to expand the use of family planning utilization



OroMia Region
