Content Analysis of Food Security News Coverage: Focus on Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation.

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This research attempts to examine the Media Coverage practices of Food Security issues in Ethiopia’s national television (Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation). The study evaluates the extent of coverage, framing of stories, and challenges journalists face while covering food security issues. The study was framed by development communication, social responsibility and framing theories. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The content analysis was conducted on the stories broadcasted by the corporation to provide a brief description on the extent of the coverage and frames of food security news. In addition, in-depth interview conducted with 9 key informants. This is used as a supplementary tool to support the quantitative findings and to find out challenges of reporting on the issue. Descriptive, graphs, charts, and tables are analyzed by using SPSS. Accordingly, the study revealed that, only 6.3 % of the news were food security news under the study period, EBC did not adequately cover food security issue; It also showed that the degree of prominence given to the issue were very low, only 4.3% of food security news were given headline position. The study also depicts that news stories were limited to only availability of the four pillars of food security concepts. Based on the findings relevant recommendations are forwarded.



food security, communication for development, media
