Organic Solid Waste Composting and Its Implication on Sustlnable Solid Waste Management Case Study of Bio-Farm and Epa Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


In Addis Ababa as in many cites in developing countries waste generation has been increased, both solid and liquid, as a result of the rapid rate of urbanisation. From the total solid waste, more than 50% are decomposable organic. Hence the objective of this research is mainly emphasizing on the use of compo sting urban organic waste and its implication on sustainable solid waste management in Addis Ababa. In order to achieve the objective of the study, case study with in-depth interview, focus group discussion and direct observation has been administered. Further more to know there is a linkage between compo sting and urban agriculture, the researcher purposefully took five cooperatives and distributed 30 questionnaires (six from each). The waste analysis of Addis Ababa showed that the percentage of organic waste in the MSW is quite high. According to the finding, the processing of these organics can deliver important environmental benefits, including the recovery and conservation of resources and a reduction in the quantity of organics going to landfills. The finding further indicate that diverting huge amount of solid from landfill reduce the environmental impact of the remaining waste by reducing methane production. Further more the analysis showed that the nutrient content of compost is much better to the growth of plant than artificial fertilizer. In addition to the above finding, the study also explains that composting urban organic waste can create employment and eventually generate income particularly fore those urban poor. Unfortunately the finding indicated that in order to sustain the project both composting site use man made technology which create problem on the employee and the environment.



Sustlnable Solid Waste Management
