Impact of Small Scale Irrigation on Socio-Economic Development of the Society: Kemisse Zone, Dewa Cheffa Woreda
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of small scale irrigation on socioeconomic
development of the society in Kemisse Zone, Dewa CheJJa Woreda. The study
employed survey method and personal observation to collect socio-economic data. Farming
household and key informant were interviewed to collect primCily data. In addition, relevant
literature and essential documents that was usejid for the study were reviewed. 777e analysis
which was conducted amongst the same respondents before introduction of irrigation,
allowed for the comparison in order to identifY the impact after introduction of irrigation
project. Also, the social and economic impact was assessed that used to assess the impact of
small scale irrigation in the study area. The result reveals thaI small scale irrigation have an
impact on social and economic well being of households. The skill of farmers after
introduction of irrigation was beller than that of before introduction of irrigation such as,
plowing, threshing, harvesting, use of agronomic practice. All the farm households are
worked in their farm on the daily basis, which is a big change as compared to before
introduction the schemes. Land use intensity and crop diversification was improved due to
irrigation. Land use intensity improved due to increases in acreage of main crop as well as
cultivating at both seasons. Crop diversification was also observed as a result of irrigatiol1
development in the study area. Almost the entire farm household increased producing multi
item and market oriented types of crop two cycles per a year. The study finding highlights that
small-scale irrigation for food security enhancement, high yield obtained in irrigation and
other benefit such as increased income, employment opportunity, crop diversification, land
use intensity, and the like are indication that small-scale irrigation can bring sustainable
agriculture and economic development in the study area. But issues related to small size of
farm plot, input supply, market situation, reservoir capacity to enrich irrigation water for all
user groups, crop water requirement, ways of water distribution for users and infrastructure
can ajji!ctthe sustainability of small-scale irrigation schemes.
Key words: Small-scale irrigation, social and economic well being, crop
diversification, household income, employment opportunity, market
oriented crop pattern.
Small-scale irrigation, social and economic well being, crop diversification, household income, employment opportunity, market oriented crop pattern