Literary Style and Historical Meaning: a Study of Three Amharic Historical Novels
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose or this research is to identify and analyze the prominent and
recurrent literary devices or three historical novels: Yohannes, Alula Aba Nega and
Aba Kostir. Moreover, the study will classify, characterize and analyze the various
styles in the works mentioned so as to bring out their historical meanings.
The thesis has an introduction and this consists review of related literature, a
brief discussion or the above historical noves and purpose of the study. Besides, the
introduction consists definitions or style and historical novel and discusses the scope
of the study. Moreover. this study is divided in to three chapters. Chapter one deals
with the dominant and frequently occurring stylistic devices in Yohannes and Alula
Aba Nega. Chapter two attemptĀ» to identify and explain the recurrent literary devices
in AbaKostir. The third and last chapter will deal with a comparative study or the
styles of the historical novels under study. This will be followed by the conclusion
and this suuunarizcs the research. Interviews conducted with the authors or the
historical novels under study are presented in the form of appendixes at the end or the
A Study of Three Amharic Historical Novels