Learning Algebra through Blended Approach: A Mixed Method Methodology
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Shishigu, Aweke
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Addis Ababa University
With the current technological advancement, traditional ways of teaching and learning are
considered as an oldest approach that does not suit for an active learning required of this
generation. Because of this, adapting different ways of learning and teachings are being
developed, one of which is the one used in this study (blended learning approach). This study
was aimed to investigate the effect of blended learning approach in enhancing students’
algebra learning with respect totheir achievement and affection. It also explored the
perspectives of instructors and students as they experienced the blended approach. In order to
improve the learning process that will address the above purpose, an interactive web-based
learning platform was developed to supplement the face-to-face instruction in a university
algebra course. To achieve the goal of the study, a mixed research methodology was
employed. For the quantitative cause-effect relationship, a quasi-experiment with a pretestposttest
design was employed. For the qualitative part, a case study has been used. The study
comprised three universities found at Southern Nations and Nationalities regions of Ethiopia.
The data were collected over one full semester of the year 2017. The analysis followed an
embedded analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics, whereas for the qualitative part, thematic
analysis was employed. Results indicated that as a result of the blended learning approach,
students tend to advance their achievement and interest. However, the study highlighted that
the affective aspect of students depend not only on the way of the teaching and learning
process, but largely on other external factors. The study further found out a 95.74%
satisfaction of students in the blended course. Blended learning is also effective in lessening
the gender gap in mathematics learning. While blended learning approach has the potential to
reasonably infuse the future, it remains critically important that it should be designed
curiously and purposefully, which requires a thorough need assessment, and aimed to fill
specific gap. Based on the results, additional imperative implications for practice and future
research are forwarded.