Assesment Of Factors Affecting The Performance Of Humanitarian Organizations Supply Chain Management In Disaster Relief Operation: The Case Of Somali Region Disaster Relief Efforts
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Addis Ababa University
Supply Chain Management is crucial aspect of disaster relief operations as it deals with
getting relief supplies needed from the source to the beneficiaries with the aim of saving lives.
The challenges of supply chain management prevent the humanitarian organizations from
meeting their objectives. The focus of this thesis is the disaster relief operations at the Somali
region; which is one of the highly disaster impacted regions in Ethiopia; where natural and
man-made disasters are common: drought, floods, and disease epidemics affect millions of
people each year all in need of immediate disaster relief activities.
This study is carried out to assess factors affecting the humanitarian organizations supply
chain management performance in disaster relief operation with a specific focus on the
Somali region disaster relief efforts with the objectives of assessing humanitarian supply
chain management practices at the Somali region, to identify the major factors affecting
humanitarian supply chain management performance at the Somali region, to measure the
humanitarian organizations, supply chain management performance at the Somali region.
The research focused on humanitarian organizations working in disaster relief operation
environment. Factors affecting humanitarian supply chain management were identified from
different literatures and humanitarian supply chain professionals from eight organizations
were asked to measure the factors affecting humanitarian organization supply chain
management in disaster relief operations at the Somali region disaster relief efforts. Findings
of the research revealed that both internal and external factors have a greater impact on the
performance of humanitarian supply chain management in disaster relief efforts
performance of humanitarian, Supply Chain Management, Somali region disaster