Interactive Features in Online Journalism: A Look at Online Editions of Ethiopian Newspapers
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Addis Ababa University
Interactivity is an integral part of online journalism. It allows active participation of
users/readers and demands a two-way (or multi-directional) model of communication. With the
interactive features of new media, the receiver is recognized as an active participant. According
to Shultz, (2000) the internet provides a potential for more interactive communication, but most
of the traditional mass media industries do not seem to use online interactive features. This study
aims at exploring online interactive features that are available in online editions of seven
Ethiopian newspapers. The newspapers were Addis Zemen, Reporter and Addis Admass Amharic
newspapers as well as Ethiopian Herald, The Reporter, Addis Fortune and Capital English
newspapers. The study employed both quantitative content analysis and qualitative semistructured
interviews to collect the data. And, in order to construct measurable categories of
analysis, the concept of interactivity was broken down using Heeter's (1989) six specific and
measurable dimensions of interactivity. Each online edition of the newopapers was coded for the
presence or absence of 46 specific interactive elements. Findings revealed that the online
editions of the newspapers have attempted to incorporate interactive features, but not effectively
utilized to the extent that relevant literature indicates. In addition to this, interviews with online
newspaper editors explored their knowledge of interactivity and reasons for adopting or not
adopting interactive features. The newspapers' editors are aware of the interactive features but
were experiencing problems with incorporating such interactive features online. They claim that
budget constraints, internet connection failures and shortage of skilled man power were the
factors that hinder them in developing their online editions. Generally, this study found out a
very low level of interactivity in the online editions of Ethiopian newspapers. It is essential that
online editions of Ethiopian newspapers cultivate a culture of thought that have a practical
bearing on the offering of active and effective interactive features on their sites. It is also
especially imperative that their offering of interactive tools highlights an understanding of the
significance of such interactive features and develops beyond a mere availability in to an
extensive and effective utilization of such tools.
Online Journalism, A Look at Online Editions, Ethiopian Newspapers