Constraints Encountered In Group Work in Teaching English Language at Adea Model Secondary School: Grade Nine in Focus
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Addis Ababa University
This study was conducted to explore the major constraints encountered in teaching English
language in-group work at Adea Model Secondary School, particularly in grade 9. To achieve the
objectives, descriptive study was employed. Data were gathered from 180 students, 10.2% of
the total population in four randomly selected classrooms, and ten English language teachers
through three instruments (observation, questionnaire and interview). The data collected
through the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and
percentage). But those gathered through classroom observations, semi-structured interview and
open ended questions were analyzed qualitatively.
The results of the study revealed that both students and teachers perceive group work
positively. However, the followings were found to be the main constraints encountered during
group work activities: since students were not given orientations about their roles in- group
work, they did not play their expected roles, some students came with poor educational
background and low language proficiency ; as a result, they intended to use their L1 or they
become careless to take part in activities, group activities were conducted intermittently and
the time given for group work was not sufficient , there was no group leader and secretary in
each group and the formed groups last only for a period, some students lack experience of
working in groups; some were passive for the activities were not graded , in some active
learners used to dominate the group; because of fear or lack of self confidence some students
failed to take part in group work.
In addition, teachers did not: use group work activities regularly; determine the number of
students in a group, give sufficient time for group work activities, allow students to report,
comment and criticize the tasks; monitor while students perform activities ; provide feedback
and grade group work activities at the end of the tasks. Finally, teachers were noticed giving
more emphasis for grammar than group work. As to the situation of learning classrooms, those,
which were made of iron sheets, were not totally suitable to stay in, so the above constraints
hamper the normal classroom interaction.
Therefore, possible recommendations were forwarded for the concerned bodies to alleviate the
existing problems proved by the study.
Group Work