Factors Affecting Diffusion of Cassava Root: The Case of Ofa Woreda, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The study was carried out in Ofa Woreda, Wolaita Zone with the main objective of assessing the factors affecting diffusion of Cassava root. Specifically, it was intended to assess the effect of upstream value chain, market information, infrastructure, extension service, credit service, and demographic factors on diffusion of cassava root in the study area. The study employed explanatory research design with mixed research approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Multistage sampling technique was used. The study was employed both primary and secondary sources of data and the data collected through questionnaire, key informant interview and focused group discussion. Data were cleared, coded, entered and analyzed using SPSS software version 21, while descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were employed. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, mean, and standared deviation were used to summarize the data collected through questionnaire. Furthermore, inferential statistics such as correlation and multiple Linear Regression analysis were used to identify determinants of honey market supply in the study area. In addition, the results of key informant and focus group discussion were used to triangulate the quantitative findings. The study found out that among different variables identified to determine the diffusion of cassava root, the regressions model analysis result revealed that total household size, upstream value chain, access to market information, access to infrastructure, access to extension service, and availability of credit service were the major factors that affect the quantity of cassava root supplied in the study area.. The study recommended that Zonal and Woreda cooperative office, Woreda agricultural office and Woreda administration office should organize cassava root producers in a cooperatives, provide modern technologies and follow cassava them for their proper usage. Micro-finance institutions should address the availability of credit for cassava root farmers. The government should also facilitate appropriate infrastructure for cassava root producers.
Ofa Woreda, Cassava root, Diffusion