Incidence of postdural puncture headache in elective cesarean section following spinal anesthesia At Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital.

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Addis Ababa University


Background PDPH is common in the obstetrical population, who frequently receives epidural or spinal analgesia and anesthesia during labor and delivery. Female sex and young age are reported risk factors adding additional risks. Objective This study will assess the incidence, onset time and severity of PDPH and other symptoms associated with PDPH, in elective cesarean section patients undergoing spinal anesthesia at TAH. Methods A prospective observational descriptive study was done on ASA I and ASAII patients scheduled for elective C/S under spinal anesthesia after an informed consent is obtained. The study was carried out at the maternity operating theatre and maternity wards of TAH. Patients were contacted by telephone, on the 7th day postoperatively after discharge from hospital. The study was conducted for a period of 4 months. Approval to conduct the study was obtained from ethical committee. An interviewer administered data sheet was used as the main instrument for data collection. Data was analyzed using Statistical package for social sciences version 20 and presented in tables and pie charts. Results and conclusion The incidence of PDPH in elective C/S mothers following spinal anesthesia at TAH maternity theatre was 38.7%. There was very significant association between needle size and PDPH incidence. P (0.000), Orientation of the needle bevel perpendicularly to the longitudinal dural fibres was associated with more risk of develop PDPH compared to parallel orientation p(0.01). Multiple dural puncture attempts during administration of anesthesia were also associated risk of development of PDPH as compared to one dural puncture (p=0.02). 9 The incidence of PDPH is higher in obstetric patients of TAH



obstetric patients
