Challenges for the Effective Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment Law: The case of Foreign Direct Investment Projects in Addis Ababa.
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Addis Ababa University
There is a danger that the advantage of environmental protection and enhancement
achievable through the use of EIA will prove inadeq uate unless a high level of attention
is given to the application ofEIA by FDI projects. In the era of rapid industri ali zation and
population growth in the country, and increas ing recognition of the environmental
impacts of certain development projects, the need to effecti ve ly apply EIA by FDI
proj ects is apparent.
The objective of thi s study is to indicate the challenges for the e ffective implementation
of EIA by FDI projects. This is crucial if performance is to be improved in order to help
to protect the environment of the country.
Apart from reviewing the documentary literature, questionnaire, key informant interview,
focus group di scussion and perso nal observation were the main research instruments
employed in the study. About 26 interviews were conducted with relevant agents of
government institutions, foreign investors, consultants and local community members.
Moreover, 6 EISRs were assessed based on relevant international and national standard s.
Whenever possibl e, an attempt was made to overcome potential inaccuracies by crosschecking
participants' accounts with those of other participants in the EIA process and
with documentary evidence. Drafts of parts of earlier versio ns of much of the materials in
this paper were reviewed by some of those interviewed. Generally, the approach adopted
was in close accord with the principles for conducting EIA evaluations enunciated by
Sadler (1998).
Pertaining to the results, lack of adequate legal foundation, lack of institutional capacity
of EPA, weak inter-institutional coordi nation between EPA and li censing agencies and
weak public participation were identified as major hindrances for the implementation of
EIA by FDI projects in Addis Ababa. To get out of these chall enges and further improve
the implementation of EIA; strengthening the legal foundation of EIA, improving the
institutional capacity of EPA and the institutional sy nergy between EPA and licensing
agencies, and establi shing enforcement mechani sms necessary to ensure the
implementation of genuine public participation are recommended.
Environmental Impact Assessment Law