Couples with Different HIV Status: Understanding the Experience of Sero-discordant married couples in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
HIV Discordant status is common among married couples in Sub-Saharan African countries.
Because of the discordant status married couples face many challenges and changes. This
research is carried out through qualitative exploratory study, using case study methods.
Findings from this study indicated that couples understanding of their discordant status are
mainly dominated by spiritual explanations given by the couples. The couples also indicated
a challenge in disclosing the status to children, in-laws, extended family members, neighbors
and friends. For fear of negative responses, couples have preferred to conceal their discordant
status from friends and family. HIV related illness of the positive partner and its interference
on the functionality of the positive partner has created economic burden and stress among
couples. Lack of sexual desire, fear of virus transmission, decreased frequency of sexual
contact are some of the life changes discordant couples have to live with regarding their sex
life. Behavior change of both the negative and positive partners was also one change the
couples have manifested; spirituality, withdrawal, loneliness and isolating oneself are some
of the changes observed. The discordant couples used different coping mechanisms to live
with their challenge; abstinence, using condom, spirituality, support between couples &
having children in the marriage are some of the things that is helping the couples face their
challenge. In conclusion, discordant couples face many challenges despite this; they have
their own coping strategies, which need is to be strengthened through counseling and
prevention programs
Social Work