The Multiple Challenges of Children With Disability in Addis Ababa: Coping Styles
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Addis Ababa University
The diverse socio-economic systems of chi ldren with di sabilities have been creating different
mul tiple life chall enges at different ecosystems. Even though it had been assumed that favo rable
conditions shall fac ilitate or improve the ex isting life of persons with di sabilities in general, the
co ntinual challenges in areas of traffickin g, Streetism, HIV AIDS issues and other psychosocial
problems including coping mechanisms are left untouched due to various reasons.
This study was undertaken to investigate the multiple challenges of children with di sabilities in
Addis Ababa. The study was a cross-section study that employed both quantitative and
qualitative instruments. To assess and explore the aforementioned chall enges, a sample of 251
children wi th di sabilities were drawn randomly and analyzed using descriptive analysis and
transcription approaches.
The study revealed that the multiple challenges of children with disabilities become very serious
issues. More than one third of the children found being exposing to the problem of Traficking,
and three out of ten children were living in/on street. One fourth of the children also found being
exposing to sexual abuse /violence and more than two out of ten children did not have
in formation about HIV AIDS issues. In addition to all these diverse challenges, they were found
facing different psychosocial problems and have very limited coping styles to deal with the
demand ing li fe challenges.
Hence, the findings suggest that there is a great need for mainstreaming issues of chi ldren with
di sabili ties into existing child-based projects/programs and encourage both concerned Nongovernmental
and governmental sectors to promote and advocate the rights of children with
di sabili ties equally like non-disabled chil dren in sphere of all programs. The study further
suggests fea sibl e and important interventions programs that give priority to creating awarenessraising
programs and increasing the involvements of parents of children with di sabi lities,
concerned partners, and community in general.
chi ldren with di sabilities have been creating, different mul tiple life chall enges