Garlic Value Chain Analysis in Mingar Shenkora Woreda: Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Growing garlic is becoming an important economic activity and one of development strategies in many countries. Both methods of production and the menses of marketing are improving; as a result there is production boost; but, in Ethiopia, the figure is lagging behind the global standards. In MingarShenkoraWoreda, where garlic is grown as one of the most important commercial vegetables; production is becoming an extraordinary economic activity. This study objectively identified: factors affecting production, value chain actors’, actors’ relationship and their respective role, marketing channels, and the opportunities and constraints; based on descriptive type of research; qualitative and quantitative methods; primary and secondary data; thus methodologically itdeployed mixed approach. The primary data were collected from 400 sample units from a population of 1,117 households using questionnaire method; and from different stakeholders based on individual and focus group interview. The secondary data were collected from statistical abstracts from Ethiopian Statistical Service, and annual reports from MinjarShenkoraWoredaOfficeof Agriculture, and MinjarShenkoraWoreda Administration Office. Datawasdescribed and analyzed under different statistical parameters such as: mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, percentage, and chi-square test both manually and using SPSS. Results of the study show, production is increasing, due to high demand from the market; but productivity is declining, because of traditional farming practices, and less focus and support from the government. Moreover, results of the study also show, total production has been increasing over time, not as a result of improving productivity; but, increasing the cropping land. Thus, this research work critically recommends; focuses to modernize and transform the agricultural sector through designing and implementing new appropriate policy interventions; that encourages and benefits smallholder farmers’ in one hand, and conducting more and more research works that could bring better productivity and smooth marketing environment; on the other hand.



Garlic, Value chain analysis, Traditional farming practices, Lack of value chain governance, and Policy interventions.
