Women’s Decision-making Rights in the Household: A Case Study on Awra Amba Community in Fogera Woreda
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Addis Ababa University
The study was conducted with the objective of assessing the extent of women’s decisionmaking power at a household level in a rural community. The research was conducted in
Amhara Regional State, Fogera woreda, specifically on the Awra Amba community. As a
way of addressing this general objective, the study has looked into decision-making on
reproductive rights, sexual rights, mobility, the right to access health care services and
financial matters. The study henceforth revealed the existence of gender equality at the
household, particularly when it comes to decision-making participation. Both husband
and wife have equal rights as they jointly shared household decision-making power.
There is no exclusive power either for the husband or wife to decide on household
matters on his/her own. Most couples mutually decide on those issues based on
negotiation and discussion. This study has mainly employed qualitative research method
and has utilized both primary and secondary sources of data.
Women’s Decision-making Rights, Reproductive Rights, Sexual Rights, Sexuality, Freedom of Movement, the Right to Accessing Health-care Services, Economic Decision-making Rights and Awra Amba Community.