An Assessment of Human Resource Management Practices and Problems in Teacher's Training Colleges, (Oromia Regional State)
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to assess human resource management practices
and problems in Oromia Regional State teachers' training colleges and to forward
some possible solutions that may alleviate or minimize the problems. In order to
attain the objective of the study, a descriptive survey method was employed. Data
were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. Besides, various
documents pertinent to the problem under study were also used as secondary
sources of data. The data were analysed using the appropriate statistical tool
such as percentage.
The findings of this study revealed that Problem in organization process of
activities and human resources, problem in planning for HR requirements,
problem in recruitments, lack of orientation program, lack of promotion, poor
employees' treatment and the poor relationships between the employees and the
management were found as the major problems in the colleges.
Besides, inadequate salary, absence of benefits and the internal and exlernal
influences imposed by authorities were found to be additional problems
encountered by colleges in managing their human resources.
Human Resource Management Practices