Rural Household Food Security Situation Anaylsis: The case of Boricha Wereda Sidama Zone
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Addis Ababa University
In Ethiopia, food insecurity has long been a wide spread problem. Despite its long time prevalence and wide area coverage in the country, there has been lack of clarity and common definition for classifying various food security situations in terms of varying severity and implication for action. Majority of the researches that have been done so far on the issue related to food security in Ethiopia are very general, fail to apply the right measurement tool, give emphasis to aid rather than livelihood protection and promotion, and considers the problem from national level by ignoring the objective reality at individual or household level. Bearing this in mind the study was conducted with the main objective of assessing food security situation of rural households in Boricha Wereda of, Sidama Zone .The conceptual framework of the research tried
to link four interrelated and connected concepts (resource, flow, outcome and measurement ) that are emanated from the main topic of food security. The research attempts to analyze certain household economic situations that have significant importance and influence on household, and finally rest on identifying major coping and adaptive strategies mainly employed on the study area. Ninety rural households from three kebeles representing three livelihood zones are the target of this study. Besides doing this, thirty respondents in each kebles are categorized in to
locally defined three wealth groups (poor, middle and better –off).To that effect, the necessary data were generated from both primary and secondary sources. Field observations, sample household survey, key informant interview and focus group discussions were the principal means of generating data from primary sources. Secondary data were also obtained from
concerned organizations. A quantative technique like HEA, cartography and GIS supported IPC and Household Food Balance models are interchangeably employed. The findings of this study confirm that 15 kebles or 38.5 percent of the total Wereda having a population of 74,005, 3 kebeles or 7.5 percent of the Wereda with the population 17,996 and 21 kebles or 54 percent with the population of 167,068 found under the phases of generally food insecure, acute food and livelihood crisis and humanitarian emergence phases. The study also ascertains that having large family size, small and fragmented land holding, failure to access farm input, prevalence of malaria, concurrent conflict and dependency on rain fed agriculture found to be the main reason for the prevailing food insecurity .Based on the findings of the study, both short term and long term development intervention schemes, strategies and policy issues have been recommended..
Food Security