Factors Affecting the Educational Success of Evening Students at Higher Education in stitutions: the Case of Evening Students in College of Education (AoA.U)

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to examine the current status of evening education in College of Education Addis Ababa Un iversity and identifY the majorfactors influencing the educational success of learners in the evening program. Descriptive survey design along with quantitative and qualitative research method5 were employed for the purpose. Questionnaires and interviews were used as data gathering instruments. The data were gathered pom a sample of 203 persons. 175 second and third year evening students, 23 instructors, 1 Assistant Dean and 3 extension coordinators. In analyzing the data, percentage and mean were used The result indicated that extension studel1ls in the faculty 0/ education mostly were adults "'ith job. falllily respunsihilit} · and social commitment. iv/oreover, their motives o/Iearning I!"ere basically cel1lered on their economic and social status del'eloplllent. (n their allempt to pursue studies. the cI'cning lellrners encountered with different academic problems. According to the finding. shurtage or time to study, scarcity 0/ public transport, and fa ilure of students to allend classes regularly lI'ere identified as personal problems, while higher responsibilities in an organization, lI 'ork loads given by bosses during exam I peeks, and organizational duties not compatible with class schedule I"ere noted as .lob-related problems. The family related fi:/ctors. such as inubilit} · 0/ ti'llllil)' monthly income to cover expenses, the inconveniency 0/ home environl11el1l to SlUe/" alld do assignment were among the identified problems. The .finding also includes variables such as: absence 0/ appropriate guidance and counseling, shortage of service giving personnel: and failure 0/ instructors to start classes on time as institution related factors that may influence the class partiCipation ollearners in the evening program. It is recommended that the unil'CI'sin' lI'it17 the cooperation of concerned organizations and the jc/culty members need to rel'ise its slmlegic plan towards University COl1linuing and Distance Education Program and lIIake necessOl)' improvement of the extension program based 011 research to at least minimize the aforelllel1liol1ed problems of the extension students.



Evening Students at Higher Education
