Assessment Of Mobile Banking Adoption Project In Nib International Bank
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the factors that affect mobile banking adoption project in
Nib international bank. The study tried to build on two widely used models for technology
adoption, the extended Technology acceptance model (TAM) and Diffusion innovation theory
(DIT). By combining the two widely used models the study determined factors that affect mobile
banking adoption project. These factors were: convenience (perceived usefulness and perceived
ease to use), perceived cost, perceived trust, perceived risk, relative advantages and
compatibility. Survey was conducted using 326 questionnaires usable out of 399 questionnaires
that were distributed. The collected data were analyzed using statistical package for social
science (SPSS).Purposive sampling and convenience sampling methods were used to select
samples from Main branch, Tana , Adarash , Raquel, Gotera ibex, Gotera and Kality branches.
The descriptive, correlation and multiple regressions on research analysis were used. The
research results showed that convenience (perceived usefulness and perceived ease to use),
perceived trust, relative advantages and compatibility had significant and positive correlation
with adoption of mobile banking project. Perceived risks and perceived cost had significant and
negative correlation of adoption mobile banking projects. Finally the study recommended Nib
international bank to continuously create and invest better mobile banking options, highly safe
guard technology and application to enhances users confidence and create public awareness by
preparing and distributing information through broachers, flyers and booklets.
Adoption of mobile banking project,, technology Acceptance Model,, Diffusion Innovation Theory