Assessment of the Status of Post-Abortal Family Planning Acceptance and Its Associated Factors in Burayu Town, Oromia Region
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Addis Abeba university
Introduction: Abortion is one of the major causes for maternal mortality in the world as
well as in our country. Unintended pregnancies which end up in abortion occur due to
contraception method nonuse or misuse. To limit unintended pregnancies and avoid
repeated abortions promoting immediate post abortion contraception is crucial.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the proportion of post abortion
contraception acceptance among clients received abortion care and identify factors
associated with post-abortion contraception acceptance/non-acceptance.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in 8 health sectors in Burayu town
Oromiya regional state from January 2014 to June 2014.
Asampleof415women’swereselectedbymeansofsystematicsampling techniques and
three hundred nightly one abortion clients were interviewed in the health centers and
clinics on the use/ acceptance of post abortion family planning (PAFP).
Datawerecollectedthroughpre-testedstructuredquestionnaire.Then datawasenteredby
usingEPI Info version 3.5.4 and exported toSPSS foranalysis. Descriptive statistics:
frequency, percentage and cross tabulation were done. Logisticregression analysis
wasconductedusingSPSSversion21statisticalpackage. Significances
wereconsideredatP-value less than 0.05(P<0.05).
Results: Among 391 study subjects, 346(88.5%) of the respondents who has got
abortion care service accepted post abortal family planning. Women,who made
independent decision had four times (OR= 3.815, 95% CI (1.212 - 12.00)) more likely to
accept PAFP compared with those decided by husband and wife. Women those did not
get counseling were 76.1% (OR= 0.239, 95% CI (0.068 -0.846)) less likely to accept
PAFP compared to women who were counseled. The most frequent reasons mentioned
by the participants of the study for not accepting contraceptive methods were; they
consider it as sin,it affects health, and it should not be the first choice.
Conclusion: More than eighty eight percent (88.5%) of women who came for abortion
care service accepted post abortion family planning. counseling services, independent
decision on FP and income were found to be determinant factors for PAFP acceptance.
Therefore emphasis on PAFP education should be given to increase acceptance rates
Family Planning