Challenges and Critical Success Factors of Humanitarian Consortium Collaborative Approach in Ethiopia: The Case of Swan (Sci, Wve, Acf and Nrc) Humanitarian Consortium
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Addis Ababa University
There are no agreed definitions for a consortium. However, by and large, consortia are formedaround the principle of synergy. That is a formal, timeābound arrangement systematically linking
diverse competencies of a group of actors to better reach shared objectives. This research aimedto evaluate the challenges and critical success factors of SWAN (Save the Children International,
World Vision International, Action Against Hunger and Norwegian Refugee Council)humanitarian consortium along with its drivers, facilitators. The research designs applied to this
research were explanatory s with case study design. The data was collected from 51 respondents who have been worked in SWAN humanitarian consortium as experts, managers and directors.
The data collected were analyzed through the computer software SPSS and presented using descriptive, correlation, and regressions. This research found out that working in consortium helpsSWAN consortium members to respond natural and human made disasters efficiently and
effectively. Critical success factors, challenges, key drivers and facilitators applicable to SWANhumanitarian consortium were identified. Based on the findings of the research, the researcherproposed applicable and suitable recommendations to be considered by the humanitarian actors
in order to respond acute and longstanding problems of the country. For future studies, successindicators such as impact, sustainability and relevance can be taken as indicators to study in the same consortium or similar studies can be conducted in different consortia.
Key words: Humanitarian Consortium, Critical Success Factors, Challenges, Key drivers,Facilitators