The Management of Distance Education in Private Colleges of Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to examine and investigate the management
of distance education teacher training program at degree level in private colleges
in Oromia Regional state and eventually to provide alternative recommendations
against the identified problems.
To this purpose, descriptive survey method was employed to investigate what the
actual management of distance education in the region looked like. Accordingly
the research study sample was selected from 11 tutorial centers which involved
300 trainees, 15 coordinators, 30 tutors, 2 deans 1 from each college, 1 officer, 2
experts from OEB and 2 senior experts from Higher Education Qualify Agency
(HERQA) altogether 352 respondents. Data analysis were made by using
statistical tools such as percentage, t-test, spear's manS rank order correlation
coefficient test and one-way ANOVA to identify whether there were differences orĀ·
agreements in the view of the respondents.
The study findings indicated miss-match between the needs and distribution of
course materials, lack of commitment of coordinators and administrative staff,
ineffective face-to-face program, lack of counseling, and lack of effective
evaluation and control mechanisms. Thus, the result in general indicated
problems related to managerial incapacity.
Finally, in order to alleviate these problems, timely distribution course materials
proportionate to the number of trainees, strengthening the fact-to -face program
according to the needs of the trainees fulfilling facilities, developing experience of
other countries on the use of alternative medias were recommended to address
the problem understudy.
Management of Distance Education