Leadership Style Affect the Performance of Female Athletes in the Case of Gibe Woreda

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Addis Abeba university


This study was designed to examine the effect of leadership style on performance of female athletics in cases gibe woreda team with particular reference to megacho, homacho cluster. To desire objective team of the study a descriptive survey based on structured questionnaires was conducted with randomly sampled female athletics (n = 50) & coaches and managers (n = 6) in the two clusters. During December 2008 to February 2008 E.C. the sampling technique was purposive sampling techniques. In addition different participatory tools (questionnaire and interviewer) used to collect primary information. Official statics and published literature were intensively reviewed. Secondly some used data were analyzed with tools using absolute number. Frequently and percentage of the respondents and qualitative and quantitative analysis were one. The finding or revealed that the coaches and governing body experience to bring the better performance of an athletics in the cluster team’s policy, resource material, sport mangers behavior, cooperation with others, limited finical sources and no more financial strategy as well as week fans mobilizing trend. Therefore this research study suggest with need of enabling management and leadership strategy related to coaching training for the coach, financial and fans support and training for athletics for competent as well as interaction among the stakeholders for the better athletics performance in the gibe woreda female athletics. Key –word Leadership, management, performance, communication and team approach



Leadership; Management; Performance; Communication and Team Approach

