An assessment of urban land use and land administration problem; Thecase of Gulele sub city administration, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
This study explores urban land use change and land administration practices and challenges in
Addis Ababa City Administration, Gulele sub city. The study employed descriptive research
design and mixed approach. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary
data was obtained through questionnaire from 69 selected employees and 164 customer
respondents using simple random sampling technique, interview from13 key informants who
were selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique and observation. Secondary
data elaborate reviewing relevant published and unpublished reports, operation manuals and
other relevant documents. Data collected through survey questionnaire was entered in to SPSS
for statistical analysis, and data collected through interviews and observation were analyzed
using narrative description method.Spatialland use data for 2004 and 2019 were also used to
explore land use change. The result showsthe study area has passed through substantial change in
land use in the last 16 years mainly from environment/natural vegetation to different urban
functions and infrastructure development/construction, settlement expansion (formal and
informal) and population pressure were viewed as the major drivers of land use change. The
study found that the existing practice of land administration in the study area is characterized
by;rent seeking behavior/corruption,lack of transparency and accountability and land information
system. Overall, the study revealed that service users were discontented on the performance of
land development and management office. Thus, increasesinstitutionalcapacityvia,
makeemployees proficientintroduce the service standards of the office for customers/employees
and evaluate employees‘ performance regularly and motivate/demotivate based on the evaluation
can improve the existing land administration practice.
Keywords: urbanization, Urban Lands use, land use change, good governances land
administration problems.
urbanization, Urban Lands use, land use change, good governances land administration problems.