Monte Carlo Simulation of Theratron Equinox 80" 60CO Radiotherapy Unit
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Addis Ababa University
The BEAMnrc Monte Carlo package is used to simulate the 60Co beam from the
\Theratron Equinox 80" 60Co radiotherapy unit. In modeling the 60Co unit a particular
attention has been paid for the geometry and material construction of the 60Co source
capsule, source housing, and the collimator assembly. The in
uence of eld size on
total photon spectra, scattered photon and electron spectra, (which is produced from
the photon interaction with the materials surrounding the Cobalt source and collimator
assembly), at the phantom surface (SSD equal to 80 cm) are studied. From our simulation
the variation of total photon and scattered photon spectra with increasing eld size is
caused by scattered photons from di erent parts of the 60Co radiothereapy unit. We also
used BEAMnrc generated phase space les as beam source for DOSXYZnrc to calculate
the percentage depth dose and compared with measured values
Theratron Equinox 80" 60CO