Determinants of Small Scale Irrigation Use and Its Implication on Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidences from Bogena River Catchment in Awabel District, East Gojjam, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Small scale irrigation strategy is important to reducing risks associated with both rainfall
variability, production of different crops twice or three times within a year, increasing
income of rural farm-households and also reduce the poverty status of farm household. The
study was conducted in East Gojjam, Awabel District on Sekute Enegatera kebele. The aim
of this study was to identify the determinants of small scale irrigation use and its implication
on poverty reduction. The required data set for the study were gathered primarily through
survey method from 168 randomly selected sample households both from irrigation users
and non-users (84 for each). To collect the required data several methods like interview
schedule, focus group discussions and key informant interviews were used. The secondary
data was collected from various documents. Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (chisquare and independent t-test) and econometric model analysis were used to analyze
quantitative data. As the binary logistic regression model result indicates, Eight variables
were found to be significant namely Age, access to training on irrigation, access to credit,
land holding size, family labor force, Market access and oxen ownership had significant and
positive effect on the use of irrigation water at less than 5% probability level. While, distance
from the river and terrain of farming land had significant and negative effect on the use of
irrigation water at 5% and 10% significant level. Access to irrigation increases the
opportunity for crop intensity and diversification, increase employment opportunity, reduce
indebtedness, improve household income and reduce household poverty. In the study area
the poverty gap of non-user was higher than that of irrigation user. Governmental and nongovernmental organizations should give emphasis on provision of training to create
awareness and skill about benefit gained from irrigation, irrigation technologies and also
how to increases their access to use irrigation water in the study area.
Keywords: Small Scale irrigation, poverty Reduction and Logit model
Small Scale irrigation, poverty Reduction and Logit model