Challenges of Urban Plan Implementation In Oromia Region: The Case of Sebeta Town Three Kebeles In Focus
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Addis Ababauniversity
Sebeta town has got a structure plan in 2007. The prepared plan was intended to guide
and fasten the economic development of the town for 10 years, 20 17. However, the
prepared structure plan has a multifaceted problem. There are complaints from var ious
stakeholders that there is poor structure plan implementat ion in the town. As a result, the
land resource of the town was extravagantly ut ilized and exposed for wastage by the
technical staff, administrators and brokers. Furthermore, the plan was subjected to
modification before its planning period. Hence, the above mentioned problems have
prompted the researcher to make research on this topic.
The ge neral objective of this study is therefore to examine the major problems associated
with the implementation of the Sebeta structure plan and to identify the factors that affect
the proper implementation of the plan with particular emphasis to its technical aspects.
Accordingly, to look into the issue deeply, the study used descriptive and exp lorato ry
research design and qualitative research approach.
The findi ng of the study revealed that the structure plan was not properly implemented
and lacked plan evalu at ion, monitoring. Hence, one can easily see irregular and irrational
development as well as incompatible land uses in the town. The cause for the poor plan
implementation was emanated from both the plan preparation and its implementation.
Therefore, although the municipality has taken some measures to alleviate the poor plan
implementation, it could not consider as enough action.
Up on the findings the researcher has forwarded the fo llowing recommendations:
preparing implementation guidelines, prov iding capacity building and performing
periodic monitoring and evaluatio n, preparing action area plan, and implementation phase
and etc
Oromia Region: The Case of Sebeta Town Three Kebeles In Focus