Equity of River Water to Traditional Irrigation Users: Case Study of Holetta River, Holetta Town, Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


77,e main objective of the study was to assess the equity and efficiency of Holetta River to lradilional irrigation users and ils managemenl practices. In Ihe sludy bOlh qualitative and quanlitative research approaches were used By Purposive and convenient sampling methods open ended queslionnaire and unstruclured interview were employed with direct observation. [n addition, crop water requirement studies were undertaken for Ihe evaluation of balanced water dislribution. In facl Ihe range is not serious however Ihere is a problem of equity in water dislribution 10 users. The water dislribution doesn't accounl for Ihe Iype of crop and ils stage, land hold and distanl from the primary channel. Also farmers act makes problems on ensuring equity. On Ihe olher hand there is no participation of females' on equity of water. Farmers water applications being the same for all crop stage and wide jilrrow syslem causes water wastage. SCientifically suggeslions are proposed to the farmers for crop water requirement and irrigation intervals. Thus to improve equity, Ihe management of the irrigation is importanl. Also enabling the community to jidly transfer the irrigation to them is significant. To perk up water produclivity by new technology innovations with integrating farmer's knowledge and scientific water sharing principles from cropping calendar and land distance has to be seen. A Iso for water productivity farmers should develop storage pond and store water and use from it. Not only concerning crop stage but focusing on crops with its high profil margin and less water demanding need to be considered. As an option to farmers with high land size could plant perennial crops which their demand of water become decreasing at latter stage of crop life and its water demand is high only in flowering and fruiting period. Unlike Ihat Ihose who have small lands could plant annual crops but for both cases crop diversifications based on its financial return is significant. In the future it is imperalive 10 study bOlh engineering and social aspects via accounting all users including farmers and inslilutes and olher users in Ihe irrigation for better deployment. In Ethiopia crop water requirement studies should be given attentions for efficienl utilizations of waler resource to increase agricullural product. This thesis research can be a baseline for government interventions for community based irrigations syslem improvement andjidltramfer to the community. Key words: - Equity, Irrigation, Holetta river, Crop water requirement



Equity, Irrigation, Holettariver, Crop water requirement
